Source code for microdrop.protocol

from collections import OrderedDict
import copy
    import cPickle as pickle
except ImportError:
    import pickle
import cStringIO as StringIO
import importlib
import json
import logging
import re
import sys
import time
import types

from microdrop_utility import Version, FutureVersionError
import jsonschema
import pandas as pd
import path_helpers as ph
import yaml
import zmq_plugin as zp
import zmq_plugin.schema

from .plugin_manager import emit_signal

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    {'unique_id': {'type': 'string', 'description': 'Typically UUID'},
     'plugin_data': {'type': 'object',
                     'description': 'Plugin state data'},
     {'description': 'MicroDrop protocol',
      'type': 'object',
      {'name': {'type': 'string', 'description': 'Protocol name'},
       'uuid': {'$ref': '#/definitions/unique_id'},
       'version': {'type': 'string',
                   'default': '0.2.0',
                   'enum': ['0.2.0'],
                   'description': 'The MicroDrop protocol version'},
       'steps': {"type": "array",
                 "items": {'$ref': '#/definitions/step'}}},
      'required': ['name', 'version']},
     {'description': 'MicroDrop protocol step',
      'type': 'object',
      {'plugin_data': {'$ref': '#/definitions/plugin_data'},
       'version': {'type': 'string',
                   'default': '0.2.0',
                   'enum': ['0.2.0'],
                   'description': 'The MicroDrop step version'},
       'additionalProperties': False}}},

PROTOCOL_SCHEMA['allOf'] = [{'$ref': '#/definitions/protocol'}]
STEP_SCHEMA['allOf'] = [{'$ref': '#/definitions/step'}]

VALIDATORS = {'protocol': jsonschema.Draft4Validator(PROTOCOL_SCHEMA),
              'step': jsonschema.Draft4Validator(STEP_SCHEMA)}

[docs]class SerializationError(Exception): ''' Attributes ---------- message : str Error message. exceptions : list List of objects corresponding to serialization exceptions. Objects are in the following form: ``{'step': <step number>, 'plugin': <plugin name>, 'data': <plugin data>, error': <error message>}`` ''' def __init__(self, message, exceptions): super(SerializationError, self).__init__(message) self.exceptions = exceptions
[docs]def serialize_protocol(protocol_dict, serialize_func): ''' Parameters ---------- protocol_dict : dict A MicroDrop protocol in dictionary format. See :func:`protocol_to_dict` and :meth:`Protocol.to_dict`. serialize_func : function Serialization function. Returns ------- object Result of call to ``serialize_func``. Raises ------ SerializationError If exception occurs during serialization. The ``SerializationError`` object includes an ``exceptions`` attribute containing details on errors encountered. See ``SerializationError`` class for more details. ''' try: # Serialize entire protocol. return serialize_func(protocol_dict) except Exception, exception: # Exception occurred. Try to identify where exception occurred. logger.debug('Error serializing protocol.') logger.debug('Search for steps causing exception') # Try to serialize each step, and record which steps cause exceptions. exception_steps = [] for i, step_i in enumerate(protocol_dict['steps']): try: serialize_func(step_i) except Exception, exception: exception_steps.append({'step': i, 'error': str(exception)}) logger.debug('Search for plugin(s) causing exception') # For each step causing an exception, try to independently serialize # data for each plugin, recording which plugins cause exceptions. exceptions = [] for exception_step_i in exception_steps: step_i = protocol_dict['steps'][exception_step_i['step']] for plugin_name_ij, plugin_data_ij in step_i.iteritems(): try: serialize_func(plugin_data_ij) except Exception, exception: exception_step_i.update({'error': str(exception), 'plugin': plugin_name_ij, 'data': plugin_data_ij}) exceptions.append(exception_step_i) raise SerializationError('Error serializing protocol.', exceptions)
[docs]def protocol_to_frame(protocol_i): ''' Parameters ---------- protocol_i : Protocol MicroDrop protocol. .. note:: A MicroDrop protocol object is stored as pickled in the ``protocol`` file in each experiment log directory. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame Data frame with rows indexed by 0-based step number and columns indexed (multi-index) first by plugin name, then by step field name. .. note:: Values may be Python objects. In future versions of MicroDrop, values *may* be restricted to json compatible types. ''' plugin_names_i = sorted(reduce(lambda a, b: a.union(b.plugin_data.keys()), protocol_i.steps, set())) frames_i = OrderedDict() for plugin_name_ij in plugin_names_i: try: frame_ij = pd.DataFrame(map(pickle.loads, [s.plugin_data.get(plugin_name_ij) for s in protocol_i.steps])) except Exception, exception: print >> sys.stderr, exception else: frames_i[plugin_name_ij] = frame_ij df_protocol = pd.concat(frames_i.values(), axis=1, keys=frames_i.keys()) = 'step_i' df_protocol.columns.names = ['plugin_name', 'step_field'] return df_protocol
[docs]def safe_pickle_loads(data): ''' Parameters ---------- data : bytes Pickled data. Returns ------- object or None Deserialized pickled object. If exception occurs during unpickling, error is logged and ``None`` is returned. ''' try: return pickle.loads(data) except Exception, exception: logger.error('Error deserializing pickle data: `%s`\n%s', data, exception)
def _plugin_data_to_dict(plugin_data, loaded=True): ''' Parameters ---------- plugin_data : dict Dictionary containing plugin data, keyed by plugin name. loaded : bool, optional ``True`` if protocol was loaded using :meth:`Protocol.load`, with the implication being that the plugin data will already be unpickled. If ``False``, plugin data will be unpickled. Returns ------- dict Dictionary containing JSON-safe plugin data, e.g., for a single protocol step. ''' result = {} for plugin_ij, plugin_data_ij in plugin_data.iteritems(): # Unpickle data if necessary. if not loaded: plugin_data_ij = safe_pickle_loads(plugin_data_ij) # Use `to_dict` class method to convert Python object to dictionary for # plugins where applicable. if hasattr(plugin_data_ij, 'to_dict'): plugin_data_ij = plugin_data_ij.to_dict() result[plugin_ij] = plugin_data_ij return result def _plugin_data_from_dict(plugin_data_dict): ''' Parameters ---------- plugin_data : dict Dictionary containing JSON-safe plugin data, keyed by plugin name. Returns ------- dict Dictionary containing Python plugin data. ''' result = {} for plugin_ij, plugin_data_ij in plugin_data_dict.iteritems(): # Use `from_dict` class method to reconstruct Python object for plugins # where applicable. if '__class__' in plugin_data_ij: class_str = plugin_data_ij.pop('__class__') module_str = '.'.join(class_str.split('.')[:-1]) class_name_str = class_str.split('.')[-1] module_ij = importlib.import_module(module_str) class_ = getattr(module_ij, class_name_str) if hasattr(class_, 'from_dict'): plugin_data_ij = class_.from_dict(plugin_data_ij) result[plugin_ij] = plugin_data_ij return result
[docs]def protocol_to_dict(protocol, loaded=True): ''' Convert a :class:`Protocol` to a dictionary representation. Each plugin MAY independently implement a custom ``to_dict`` method on the respective plugin step options class, along with a corresponding ``from_dict`` class method. If these methods are implemented, the resulting dictionary from ``to_dict`` MUST contain the key ``__class__`` indicating the fully-qualified class name of the step options (used to reconstruct the step options with the ``from_dict`` class method). Parameters ---------- protocol : Protocol MicroDrop protocol. .. note:: A MicroDrop protocol object is stored as pickled in the ``protocol`` file in each experiment log directory. loaded : bool, optional ``True`` if protocol was loaded using :meth:`Protocol.load`. Returns ------- dict Dictionary object with the following top-level keys: - ``name``: Protocol name. - ``version``: Protocol version. - ``steps``: List of dictionaries, each containing data for a single protocol step. - ``uuid, optional``: Universally unique identifier. ''' protocol_dict = {'name':, 'version': protocol.version, 'steps': [_plugin_data_to_dict(step_i.plugin_data, loaded=loaded) for step_i in protocol.steps], 'plugin_data': _plugin_data_to_dict(protocol.plugin_data)} return protocol_dict
[docs]def protocol_from_dict(protocol_dict): ''' Convert a protocol dictionary representation to a :class:`Protocol`. Each plugin MAY independently implement a custom ``to_dict`` method on the respective plugin step options class, along with a corresponding ``from_dict`` class method. If these methods are implemented, the fully-qualified class name is looked up in the respective ``__class__`` item in the step plugin data to reconstruct the step options with the corresponding ``from_dict`` class method. Parameters ---------- protocol_dict : dict Dictionary object with the following top-level keys: - ``name``: Protocol name. - ``version``: Protocol version. - ``steps``: List of dictionaries, each containing data for a single protocol step. - ``uuid, optional``: Universally unique identifier. Returns ------- Protocol MicroDrop protocol. ''' try: VALIDATORS['protocol'].validate(protocol_dict) except jsonschema.ValidationError: logging.warning('Error validating protocol dictionary.', exc_info=True) raise protocol = Protocol(name=protocol_dict['name']) assert(protocol.version == protocol_dict['version']) # Convert step dictionaries to Python `Step` instances. protocol.steps = [Step(plugin_data=_plugin_data_from_dict(step_i)) for step_i in protocol_dict['steps']] # Convert protocol level plugin data dictionary to Python objects where # applicable. protocol.plugin_data = _plugin_data_from_dict(protocol_dict .get('plugin_data')) return protocol
[docs]def protocol_to_json(protocol, validate=True, ostream=None, json_kwargs=None, **kwargs): ''' Parameters ---------- protocol : Protocol MicroDrop protocol. validate : bool, optional If ``True``, validate protocol in dictionary form before serializing to JSON. ostream : file-like, optional Output stream to write to. kwargs : bool, optional ``True`` if protocol was loaded using :meth:`Protocol.load`. Returns ------- None or str If :data:`ostream` parameter is ``None``, return serialized protocol in JSON format as string. See :func:`protocol_to_dict` for details on JSON object structure. ''' if ostream is None: ostream = StringIO.StringIO() return_required = True else: return_required = False protocol_dict = protocol_to_dict(protocol, **kwargs) if validate: VALIDATORS['protocol'].validate(protocol_dict) def serialize_func(obj): return json.dump(obj=obj, fp=ostream, cls=zp.schema.PandasJsonEncoder, **(json_kwargs or {})) serialize_protocol(protocol_dict, serialize_func) if return_required: return ostream.getvalue()
[docs]def protocol_to_ndjson(protocol, ostream=None): ''' Write protocol as newline delimited JSON (i.e., `ndjson`_, see `specification`_). The first row is a header JSON object containing **at least** the keys ``name`` and ``version``. Each subsequent line in the output is a nested JSON object, one line per protocol step. The keys of the top-level object of each step object correspond to plugin names. The second-level keys correspond to the step field name. Parameters ---------- protocol : Protocol MicroDrop protocol. ostream : file-like, optional Output stream to write to. Returns ------- None or str If :data:`ostream` parameter is ``None``, return output as string. Raises ------ SerializationError If exception occurs during serialization. The ``SerializationError`` object includes an ``exceptions`` attribute containing details on errors encountered. See ``SerializationError`` class for more details. See Also -------- :func:`protocol_to_json` .. _`ndjson`: .. _`specification`: ''' protocol_dict = protocol.to_dict() if ostream is None: ostream = StringIO.StringIO() return_required = True else: return_required = False steps = protocol_dict.pop('steps') def serialize_func(obj): return json.dumps(obj, cls=zp.schema.PandasJsonEncoder) # Write JSON header (does not include any step data). print >> ostream, serialize_func(protocol_dict) # Write plugin data for each step to a separate line in the output # stream. exceptions = [] for i, step_i in enumerate(steps): try: print >> ostream, serialize_func(step_i) except Exception, exception: # Exception occurred while serializing step. logger.debug('Error serializing step.') # Try to independently serialize data for each plugin, # recording which plugins cause exceptions. logger.debug('Search for plugin(s) causing exception') for plugin_name_ij, plugin_data_ij in step_i.iteritems(): try: serialize_func(plugin_data_ij) except Exception, exception: exception_step_i = {'step': i, 'error': str(exception), 'plugin': plugin_name_ij, 'data': plugin_data_ij} exceptions.append(exception_step_i) if exceptions: raise SerializationError('Error serializing protocol.', exceptions) if return_required: return ostream.getvalue()
def _protocol_remove_exceptions(protocol, exceptions, step_getter, plugin_data_getter, inplace=False): ''' Parameters ---------- protocol : Protocol or dict MicroDrop protocol or dictionary representation. exceptions : list-like Exceptions in format recorded in :data:`exceptions` attribute of :class:`SerializationError` instances. step_getter : function Function that takes a protocol object and an integer step number and returns a corresponding step object. plugin_data_getter : function Function that takes a step object and returns a corresponding plugin data dictionary. inplace : bool, optional If ``True``, directly modify :data:`protocol`. Otherwise, return modified copy. Default is ``False``. Returns ------- Protocol or dict or None Modified copy of :data:`protocol` if :data:`inplace` is ``False``. See also -------- :func:`protocol_remove_exceptions`, :func:`protocol_dict_remove_exceptions` ''' if not inplace: protocol = copy.deepcopy(protocol) # Delete plugin data that is causing serialization errors. for exception_i in exceptions: step_i = step_getter(protocol, exception_i['step']) plugin_data_i = plugin_data_getter(step_i) del plugin_data_i[exception_i['plugin']]'Deleted `%s` for step %s', exception_i['plugin'], exception_i['step']) if not inplace: return protocol
[docs]def protocol_dict_remove_exceptions(protocol_dict, exceptions, inplace=False): ''' Parameters ---------- protocol_dict : dict Dictionary object with the following top-level keys: - ``name``: Protocol name. - ``version``: Protocol version. - ``steps``: List of dictionaries, each containing data for a single protocol step. - ``uuid, optional``: Universally unique identifier. exceptions : list-like Exceptions in format recorded in :data:`exceptions` attribute of :class:`SerializationError` instances. inplace : bool, optional If ``True``, directly modify :data:`protocol_dict`. Otherwise, return modified copy. Default is ``False``. Returns ------- dict or None Modified copy of :data:`protocol_dict` if :data:`inplace` is ``False``. See also -------- :func:`protocol_dict_remove_exceptions` ''' return _protocol_remove_exceptions(protocol_dict, exceptions, # Get step object from protocol. lambda protocol_i, step_i: protocol_i['steps'][step_i], # Get plugin data dict from step. lambda step_i: step_i, inplace=inplace)
[docs]def protocol_remove_exceptions(protocol, exceptions, inplace=False): ''' Parameters ---------- protocol : Protocol MicroDrop protocol. exceptions : list-like Exceptions in format recorded in :data:`exceptions` attribute of :class:`SerializationError` instances. inplace : bool, optional If ``True``, directly modify :data:`protocol`. Otherwise, return modified copy. Default is ``False``. Returns ------- Protocol or None Modified copy of :data:`protocol` if :data:`inplace` is ``False``. See also -------- :func:`protocol_dict_remove_exceptions` ''' return _protocol_remove_exceptions(protocol, exceptions, # Get step object from protocol. lambda protocol_i, step_i: protocol_i.steps[step_i], # Get plugin data dict from step. lambda step_i: step_i.plugin_data, inplace=inplace)
[docs]def protocol_dict_transform_plugin_data(protocol_dict, transform_func, inplace=False): ''' Parameters ---------- protocol_dict : dict A MicroDrop protocol in dictionary format. See :func:`protocol_to_dict` and :meth:`Protocol.to_dict`. transform_func : function Function to transform a plugin data dictionary. Must accept a plugin data :class:`dict` as the only argument and return a :class:`dict` in the same form, but potentially with different contents. inplace : bool, optional If ``True``, directly modify :data:`protocol_dict`. Otherwise, return modified copy. Default is ``False``. Returns ------- dict A MicroDrop protocol in dictionary format with protocol-level and step-level plugin data dictionaries transformed using :data:`transform_func`. ''' if not inplace: protocol_dict = copy.deepcopy(protocol_dict) protocol_dict['plugin_data'] = transform_func(protocol_dict .get('plugin_data', {})) protocol_dict['steps'] = map(transform_func, protocol_dict['steps']) if not inplace: return protocol_dict
[docs]class Protocol(): class_version = str(Version(0, 2)) def __init__(self, name=None): self.version = self.class_version = name self.steps = [Step()] self.plugin_data = {} self.plugin_fields = {} # Protocol execution state self.n_repeats = 1 self.current_step_attempt = 0 self.current_step_number = 0 self.current_repetition = 0 ########################################################################### # Load/save methods # ----------------- @classmethod
[docs] def load(cls, filename): """ Load a Protocol from a file. Parameters ---------- filename : str Path to file. Raises ------ TypeError If file is not a :class:`Protocol`. FutureVersionError If file was written by a future version of the software. """ logger.debug("[Protocol].load(\"%s\")" % filename)"Loading Protocol from %s" % filename) filename = ph.path(filename) if filename.ext.lower() == '.json': with'r') as input_: return cls.from_json(istream=input_) start_time = time.time() out = None with open(filename, 'rb') as f: try: out = pickle.load(f) logger.debug("Loaded object from pickle.") except Exception, e: logger.debug("Not a valid pickle file. %s." % e) if out is None: with open(filename, 'rb') as f: try: out = yaml.load(f) logger.debug("Loaded object from YAML file.") except Exception, e: logger.debug("Not a valid YAML file. %s." % e) if out is None: raise TypeError out.filename = filename # enable loading of old protocols that were loaded as relative packages # (i.e., not subpackages of microdrop). if str(out.__class__) == 'protocol.Protocol': out.__class__ = cls # check type if out.__class__ != cls: raise TypeError("File is wrong type: %s" % out.__class__) if not hasattr(out, 'version'): out.version = str(Version(0)) out._upgrade() def _decode(value): ''' .. versionadded:: 2.11.1 Fixes #241. Parameters ---------- value : str Pickled or YAML-encoded object. Returns ------- object Decoded object. ''' try: return pickle.loads(value) except Exception, e: logger.debug('Error decoding: `%s`', value, exc_info=True) if 'No module named indexes.base' in str(e): if 'pandas.core.indexes' in value: value_ = value.replace('pandas.core.indexes', 'pandas.indexes') elif 'pandas.indexes' in value: value_ = value.replace('pandas.indexes', 'pandas.core.indexes') else: value_ = None if value_: try: return pickle.loads(value_) except Exception: pass # enable loading of old protocols where the # dmf_device_controller was imported as a relative package value = value.replace('!!python/object:gui' '.dmf_device_controller.', '!!python/object:microdrop.gui.' 'dmf_device_controller.') return yaml.load(value) for k, v in out.plugin_data.items(): try: out.plugin_data[k] = _decode(v) except Exception, e: logger.error('Error decoding plugin data for `%s`: `%s`', k, v, exc_info=True) for i in range(len(out)): for k, v in out[i].plugin_data.items(): try: out[i].plugin_data[k] = _decode(v) except Exception, e: logger.error('Error decoding plugin data for step %d, ' '`%s`: `%s`', i, k, v, exc_info=True) logger.debug("[Protocol].load() loaded in %f s.", time.time() - start_time) return out
[docs] def remove_exceptions(self, exceptions, inplace=False): return protocol_remove_exceptions(self, exceptions, inplace=inplace)
[docs] def save(self, filename, format='pickle'): out = copy.deepcopy(self) if hasattr(out, 'filename'): del out.filename # convert plugin data objects to strings for k, v in out.plugin_data.items(): out.plugin_data[k] = pickle.dumps(v, -1) for step in out.steps: for k, v in step.plugin_data.items(): step.plugin_data[k] = pickle.dumps(v, -1) with open(filename, 'wb') as f: if format == 'pickle': pickle.dump(out, f, -1) elif format == 'yaml': yaml.dump(out, f) else: raise TypeError
[docs] def to_dict(self): ''' Returns ------- dict Dictionary object with the following top-level keys: - ``name``: Protocol name. - ``version``: Protocol version. - ``steps``: List of dictionaries, each containing data for a single protocol step. - ``uuid, optional``: Universally unique identifier. ''' return protocol_to_dict(self, loaded=True)
[docs] def from_dict(cls, protocol_dict): ''' Parameters ---------- protocol_dict : dict Dictionary object with the following top-level keys: - ``name``: Protocol name. - ``version``: Protocol version. - ``steps``: List of dictionaries, each containing data for a single protocol step. - ``uuid, optional``: Universally unique identifier. Returns ------- Protocol MicroDrop protocol. ''' return protocol_from_dict(protocol_dict)
[docs] def to_frame(self): ''' Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame Data frame with multi-index columns, indexed first by plugin name, then by plugin step field name. .. note:: If an exception is encountered while processing a plugin value, the plugin causing the exception is skipped and protocol values related to the plugin are not included in the result. See Also -------- :meth:`to_json`, :meth:`to_ndjson` ''' return protocol_to_frame(self)
[docs] def to_json(self, ostream=None, **kwargs): ''' Parameters ---------- ostream : file-like, optional Output stream to write to. Returns ------- None or str If :data:`ostream` parameter is ``None``, return serialized protocol in JSON format as string. See :func:`protocol_to_json` for details on JSON object structure. See Also -------- :meth:`to_dict`, :meth:`to_ndjson` ''' return protocol_to_json(self, ostream=ostream, json_kwargs=kwargs)
[docs] def from_json(cls, istream): ''' Parameters ---------- istream : str or file-like Input JSON to read protocol from. If file-like, read from as an input stream. If a string, assume input is JSON serialized protocol string. Returns ------- Protocol MicroDrop protocol. See Also -------- :meth:`to_json`, :meth:`to_dict`, :meth:`to_ndjson` ''' if isinstance(istream, types.StringTypes): # Assume input is JSON serialized protocol string. load_func = json.loads else: # Read from `istream` as an input stream. load_func = json.load protocol_dict = load_func(istream, object_hook=zp.schema .pandas_object_hook) return protocol_from_dict(protocol_dict)
[docs] def to_ndjson(self, ostream=None, ignore_errors=False): ''' Write protocol as newline delimited JSON (i.e., `ndjson`_, see `specification`_). Parameters ---------- ostream : file-like, optional Output stream to write to. ignore_errors : bool, optional If ``True``, skip any step plugin data that causes an error during serialization. Returns ------- None or str If :data:`ostream` parameter is ``None``, return output as string. Raises ------ SerializationError If exception occurs during serialization. The ``SerializationError`` object includes an ``exceptions`` attribute containing details on errors encountered. See ``SerializationError`` class for more details. See Also -------- :func:`protocol_to_ndjson`, :meth:`to_json` .. _`ndjson`: .. _`specification`: ''' try: return protocol_to_ndjson(self, ostream=ostream) except SerializationError, exception: if not ignore_errors: raise else: logging.warn('Skipping plugin data in steps where exceptions ' 'encountered during serialization.') protocol_clean = self.remove_exceptions(exception.exceptions) return protocol_to_ndjson(protocol_clean, ostream=ostream)
[docs] def from_ndjson(cls, istream=None): ''' Read protocol from newline delimited JSON (i.e., `ndjson`_, see `specification`_). Parameters ---------- istream : str or file-like Input new-line delimited JSON to read protocol from. If file-like, read from as an input stream. If a string, assume input is new-line delimited JSON serialized protocol string. Returns ------- Protocol MicroDrop protocol. See Also -------- :func:`protocol_to_ndjson`, :meth:`to_ndjson`, :meth:`to_json` .. _`ndjson`: .. _`specification`: ''' if isinstance(istream, types.StringTypes): # Assume input is new-line delimited JSON serialized protocol # string. istream = StringIO.StringIO(istream) def _loads(x): return json.loads(x, object_hook=zp.schema.pandas_object_hook) protocol_dict = _loads(istream.readline()) protocol_dict['steps'] = [_loads(line_i) for line_i in istream.readlines()] return protocol_from_dict(protocol_dict)
def _upgrade(self): """ Upgrade the serialized object if necessary. Raises: FutureVersionError: file was written by a future version of the software. """ logger.debug("[Protocol]._upgrade()") version = Version.fromstring(self.version) logger.debug('[Protocol] version=%s, class_version=%s', str(version), self.class_version) if version > Version.fromstring(self.class_version): logger.debug('[Protocol] version>class_version') raise FutureVersionError(Version.fromstring(self.class_version), version) elif version < Version.fromstring(self.class_version): if version < Version(0, 1): for k, v in self.plugin_data.items(): self.plugin_data[k] = yaml.dump(v) for step in self.steps: for k, v in step.plugin_data.items(): step.plugin_data[k] = yaml.dump(v) self.version = str(Version(0, 1)) logger.debug('[Protocol] upgrade to version %s', self.version) if version < Version(0, 2): self.current_step_attempt = 0 self.version = str(Version(0, 2)) logger.debug('[Protocol] upgrade to version %s', self.version) # else the versions are equal and don't need to be upgraded ########################################################################### # Plugin name accessors # --------------------- @property def plugins(self): return set(self.plugin_data.keys())
[docs] def plugin_name_lookup(self, name, re_pattern=False): if not re_pattern: return name for plugin_name in self.plugins: if, plugin_name): return plugin_name return None
########################################################################### # Protocol-wide plugin data # -------------------------
[docs] def get_data(self, plugin_name): logging.debug('[Protocol] plugin_data=%s' % self.plugin_data) return self.plugin_data.get(plugin_name)
[docs] def set_data(self, plugin_name, data): self.plugin_data[plugin_name] = data
########################################################################### # Execution state # --------------- def __len__(self): return len(self.steps) def __getitem__(self, i): return self.steps[i]
[docs] def get_step_number(self, default): if default is None: return self.current_step_number return default
[docs] def get_step(self, step_number=None): step_number = self.get_step_number(step_number) return self.steps[step_number]
[docs] def current_step(self): return self.steps[self.current_step_number]
[docs] def insert_steps(self, step_number=None, count=None, values=None): if values is None and count is None: raise ValueError('Either count or values must be specified') elif values is None: values = [Step()] * count for value in values[::-1]: self.insert_step(step_number, value, notify=False) emit_signal('on_steps_inserted', args=range(step_number, step_number + len(values)))
[docs] def insert_step(self, step_number=None, value=None, notify=True): if step_number is None: step_number = self.current_step_number if value is None: value = Step() self.steps.insert(step_number, value) emit_signal('on_step_created', args=[self.current_step_number]) if notify: emit_signal('on_step_inserted', args=[self.current_step_number])
[docs] def delete_step(self, step_number): step_to_remove = self.steps[step_number] del self.steps[step_number] emit_signal('on_step_removed', args=[step_number, step_to_remove]) if len(self.steps) == 0: # If we deleted the last remaining step, we need to insert a new # default Step self.insert_step(0, Step()) self.goto_step(0) elif self.current_step_number == len(self.steps): self.goto_step(step_number - 1) else: self.goto_step(self.current_step_number)
[docs] def delete_steps(self, step_ids): sorted_ids = sorted(step_ids) # Process deletion of steps in reverse order to avoid ID mismatch due # to deleted rows. sorted_ids.reverse() for id in sorted_ids: self.delete_step(id)
[docs] def next_step(self): if self.current_step_number == len(self.steps) - 1: self.insert_step(step_number=self.current_step_number, value=self.current_step().copy(), notify=False) self.next_step() emit_signal('on_step_inserted', args=[self.current_step_number]) else: self.goto_step(self.current_step_number + 1)
[docs] def next_repetition(self): if self.current_repetition < self.n_repeats - 1: self.current_repetition += 1 self.goto_step(0)
[docs] def prev_step(self): if self.current_step_number > 0: self.goto_step(self.current_step_number - 1)
[docs] def first_step(self): self.current_repetition = 0 self.goto_step(0)
[docs] def last_step(self): self.goto_step(len(self.steps) - 1)
[docs] def goto_step(self, step_number): logging.debug('[Protocol].goto_step(%s)' % step_number) original_step_number = self.current_step_number self.current_step_number = step_number emit_signal('on_step_swapped', [original_step_number, step_number])
[docs]class Step(object): def __init__(self, plugin_data=None): if plugin_data is None: self.plugin_data = {} else: self.plugin_data = copy.deepcopy(plugin_data)
[docs] def copy(self): return Step(plugin_data=copy.deepcopy(self.plugin_data))
@property def plugins(self): return set(self.plugin_data.keys())
[docs] def plugin_name_lookup(self, name, re_pattern=False): if not re_pattern: return name for plugin_name in self.plugins: if, plugin_name): return plugin_name return None
[docs] def get_data(self, plugin_name): logging.debug('[Step] plugin_data=%s' % self.plugin_data) return self.plugin_data.get(plugin_name)
[docs] def set_data(self, plugin_name, data): self.plugin_data[plugin_name] = data