Source code for microdrop.dmf_device

import logging

from droplet_planning.connections import get_adjacency_matrix
from lxml import etree
from lxml.etree import XPathEvaluator
from path_helpers import path
from svg_model import (INKSCAPE_NSMAP, svg_shapes_to_df, INKSCAPE_PPmm,
from svg_model.connections import extract_connections
from svg_model.shapes_canvas import ShapesCanvas
import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Only read interpret SVG paths and polygons from `Device` layer as electrodes.
ELECTRODES_XPATH = (r'//svg:g[@inkscape:label="Device"]//svg:path | '

[docs]class DeviceScaleNotSet(Exception): pass
[docs]class DmfDevice(object): @classmethod
[docs] def load(cls, svg_filepath, **kwargs): """ Load a DmfDevice from a file. Args: filename: path to file. Raises: TypeError: file is not a DmfDevice. FutureVersionError: file was written by a future version of the software. """ return cls(svg_filepath, **kwargs)
def __init__(self, svg_filepath, name=None, **kwargs): = name or path(svg_filepath).namebase # Read SVG paths and polygons from `Device` layer into data frame, one # row per polygon vertex. self.df_shapes = svg_shapes_to_df(svg_filepath, xpath=ELECTRODES_XPATH) # Add SVG file path as attribute. self.svg_filepath = svg_filepath self.shape_i_columns = 'id' # Create temporary shapes canvas with same scale as original shapes # frame. This canvas is used for to conduct point queries to detect # which shape (if any) overlaps with the endpoint of a connection line. svg_canvas = ShapesCanvas(self.df_shapes, self.shape_i_columns) # Detect connected shapes based on lines in "Connection" layer of the # SVG. self.df_shape_connections = extract_connections(self.svg_filepath, svg_canvas) # Scale coordinates to millimeter units. self.df_shapes[['x', 'y']] -= self.df_shapes[['x', 'y']].min().values self.df_shapes[['x', 'y']] /= INKSCAPE_PPmm.magnitude self.df_shapes = compute_shape_centers(self.df_shapes, self.shape_i_columns) self.df_electrode_channels = self.get_electrode_channels() self.graph = nx.Graph() for index, row in self.df_shape_connections.iterrows(): self.graph.add_edge(row['source'], row['target']) # Get data frame, one row per electrode, indexed by electrode path id, # each row denotes electrode center coordinates. self.df_shape_centers = (self.df_shapes.drop_duplicates(subset=['id']) .set_index('id')[['x_center', 'y_center']]) (self.adjacency_matrix, self.indexed_shapes, self.shape_indexes) = get_adjacency_matrix(self.df_shape_connections) self.df_indexed_shape_centers = (self.df_shape_centers .loc[self.shape_indexes.index] .reset_index()) self.df_indexed_shape_centers.rename(columns={'index': 'shape_id'}, inplace=True) self.df_shape_connections_indexed = self.df_shape_connections.copy() self.df_shape_connections_indexed['source'] = \ map(str, self.shape_indexes[self.df_shape_connections['source']]) self.df_shape_connections_indexed['target'] \ = map(str, self.shape_indexes[self.df_shape_connections ['target']]) self.df_shapes_indexed = self.df_shapes.copy() self.df_shapes_indexed['id'] = map(str, self.shape_indexes [self.df_shapes['id']]) # Modified state (`True` if electrode channels have been updated). self._dirty = False @property def df_electrode_channels(self): return self._df_electrode_channels @df_electrode_channels.setter def df_electrode_channels(self, value): self._df_electrode_channels = value self.electrodes_by_channel = (self.df_electrode_channels .set_index('channel')['electrode_id']) self.channels_by_electrode = (self.df_electrode_channels .set_index('electrode_id')['channel']) self.electrode_areas = self.get_electrode_areas() self.channel_areas = pd.Series([self.electrode_areas [self.electrodes_by_channel.ix[c]] .sum() for c in self.electrodes_by_channel.index], index=self.electrodes_by_channel.index) @property def dirty(self): return self._dirty
[docs] def set_electrode_channels(self, electrode_id, channels): ''' Set channels for electrode `electrode_id` to `channels`. This includes updating `self.df_electrode_channels`. .. note:: Existing channels assigned to electrode are overwritten. Parameters ---------- electrode_id : str Electrode identifier. channels : list List of channel identifiers assigned to the electrode. Returns ------- bool ``True`` if channel mappings have changed. ''' # Get electrode channels frame for all electrodes except # `electrode_id`. df_electrode_channels = (self.df_electrode_channels .loc[self.df_electrode_channels.electrode_id != electrode_id]) if len(channels) > 0: # Add new list of channels for electrode. df_electrode_channels_i = pd.DataFrame([[electrode_id, channel] for channel in channels], columns=['electrode_id', 'channel']) self.df_electrode_channels = (pd.concat([df_electrode_channels, df_electrode_channels_i]) .reset_index(drop=True)) else: # No channels assigned to electrode. self.df_electrode_channels = df_electrode_channels # If the channels mappings have changed, update modified state. df_diff_channels = self.diff_electrode_channels() if df_diff_channels.shape[0] > 0: self._dirty = True return self.dirty
@property def electrodes(self): return self.electrode_areas.index.copy()
[docs] def get_electrode_areas(self): ''' Returns ------- pandas.Series Area of each electrode in square millimeters, indexed by electrode identifier. ''' from svg_model.data_frame import get_shape_areas return get_shape_areas(self.df_shapes, self.shape_i_columns)
[docs] def get_svg_frame(self): ''' Return a :class:`pandas.DataFrame` containing the vertices for electrode paths. Each row of the frame corresponds to a single path vertex. The :meth:`groupby` method may be used, for example, to apply operations to vertices on a per-path basis, such as calculating the bounding box. ''' return self.df_shapes.copy()
[docs] def get_electrode_channels(self): ''' Load the channels associated with each electrode from the device layer of an SVG source. For each electrode polygon, the channels are read as a comma-separated list from the `"data-channels"` attribute. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame Each row corresponds to a channel connected to an electrode, where the ``"electrode_id"`` column corresponds to the ``"id"`` attribute of the corresponding SVG polygon. Notes ----- - Each electrode corresponds to a closed path in the device drawing. - Each channel index corresponds to a DMF device channel that may be actuated independently. ''' return extract_channels(self.df_shapes)
[docs] def get_bounding_box(self): ''' Returns ------- tuple Tuple containing origin-`x`, origin-`y`, width and height, respectively. ''' xmin, ymin = self.df_shapes[['x', 'y']].min().values xmax, ymax = self.df_shapes[['x', 'y']].max().values return xmin, ymin, (xmax - xmin), (ymax - ymin)
[docs] def max_channel(self): ''' Returns: int : Maximum channel index. ''' return
[docs] def get_actuated_electrodes_area(self, electrode_states): ''' Compute area of actuated electrodes. Args: electrode_states (pandas.Series) : Electrode states, indexed by electrode identifier. Any state greater than zero is considered actuated. Returns: float : Area of actuated electrodes in square millimeters. ''' actuated_electrodes = electrode_states[electrode_states > 0] # Look up the area of each actuated electrode. actuated_electrode_areas = (self.electrode_areas .ix[actuated_electrodes.index]) # Compute the total actuated electrode area and scale by device scale. return actuated_electrode_areas.sum()
[docs] def actuated_area(self, state_of_all_channels): ''' Compute area of all actuated electrodes. Args: state_of_all_channels (np.array) : An array-like instance containing an actuation level for each respective channel. Returns: float : Area of actuated electrodes in square millimeters. ''' if state_of_all_channels.max() == 0: # No channels are actuated. return 0 # Get the index of all actuated channels. actuated_channels_index = np.where(state_of_all_channels > 0)[0] # Based on the actuated channels, look up the electrodes that are # actuated. actuated_electrodes = self.actuated_electrodes(actuated_channels_index) # Look up the area of each actuated electrode. actuated_electrode_areas = (self.electrode_areas .ix[actuated_electrodes.values]) # Compute the total actuated electrode area and scale by device scale. return actuated_electrode_areas.sum()
[docs] def actuated_electrodes(self, actuated_channels_index): ''' Parameters ---------- actuated_channels_index : list or array-like Actuated channel indexes. Returns ------- pandas.Series Actuated electrode identifiers, indexed by channel index. ''' return self.electrodes_by_channel.ix[actuated_channels_index]
[docs] def actuated_channels(self, actuated_electrodes_index): ''' Parameters ---------- actuated_electrodes_index : list or array-like Actuated electrode identifiers. Returns ------- pandas.Series Actuated channel index values, indexed by electrode identifier. ''' # Get `pd.Series` of channels corresponding to electrodes. return self.channels_by_electrode.ix[actuated_electrodes_index]
[docs] def find_path(self, source_id, target_id): ''' Returns ------- list A list of nodes on the shortest path from source to target. ''' if source_id == target_id: shortest_path = [source_id] else: shortest_path = nx.dijkstra_path(self.graph, source_id, target_id, 'cost') return shortest_path
[docs] def to_svg(self): ''' Returns: unicode : SVG XML source with up-to-date electrode channel lists. ''' xml_root = etree.parse(self.svg_filepath) # Identify electrodes with modified channel lists. df_diff_channels = self.diff_electrode_channels() # Update `svg:path` XML elements for electrodes with modified channel # lists. xpath = XPathEvaluator(xml_root, namespaces=INKSCAPE_NSMAP) for electrode_id, (orig_i, new_i) in df_diff_channels.iterrows(): elements_i = xpath.evaluate('//svg:path[@id="%s"]' % electrode_id) for element_i in elements_i: element_i.attrib['data-channels'] = ','.join(map(str, new_i)) return etree.tounicode(xml_root)
[docs] def diff_electrode_channels(self): ''' Identify electrodes with modified channel lists. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame Frame containing modified electrode channel lists. The two columns contain a list for the original and new assigned channels, respectively, indexed by ``electrode_id``. ''' original_channels = extract_channels(self.df_shapes) original_groups = original_channels.groupby('electrode_id').groups new_channels = self.df_electrode_channels.copy() new_groups = new_channels.groupby('electrode_id').groups rows = [] for electrode_id, new_channel_indexes in new_groups.iteritems(): if electrode_id not in original_groups: orig_i = [] else: orig_i = ( .values[original_groups[electrode_id]].tolist()) new_i =[new_channel_indexes].tolist() if not (orig_i == new_i): rows.append((electrode_id, orig_i, new_i)) if not rows: rows = None return pd.DataFrame(rows, columns=['electrode_id', 'original', 'new']).set_index('electrode_id')
[docs]def extract_channels(df_shapes): ''' Load the channels associated with each electrode from the device layer of an SVG source. For each electrode polygon, the channels are read as a comma-separated list from the `"data-channels"` attribute. Args: svg_source (filepath) : Input SVG file containing connection lines. shapes_canvas (shapes_canvas.ShapesCanvas) : Shapes canvas containing shapes to compare against connection endpoints. electrode_layer (str) : Name of layer in SVG containing electrodes. electrode_xpath (str) : XPath string to iterate throught electrodes. namespaces (dict) : SVG namespaces (compatible with `etree.parse`). Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame Each row corresponds to a channel connected to an electrode, where the ``"electrode_id"`` column corresponds to the ``"id"`` attribute of the corresponding SVG polygon. ''' frames = [] if 'data-channels' in df_shapes: shape_channel_lists = (df_shapes .drop_duplicates(subset=['id', 'data-channels']) .set_index('id')['data-channels'] .str.split(',').dropna()) for shape_i, channels_i in shape_channel_lists.iteritems(): frames.extend([[shape_i, int(channel)] for channel in channels_i]) if frames: df_channels = pd.DataFrame(frames, columns=['electrode_id', 'channel']) else: df_channels = pd.DataFrame(None, columns=['electrode_id', 'channel']) df_channels['channel'] = df_channels['channel'].astype(int) return df_channels